Hello friends! I’ve put together a new question loop for you 😊 This series of questions is designed for you to acknowledge the gift and space of you! Let it play and see what opens up and what you become aware of. And, if you…Read More
From this point forward, I would like to invite you to a different possibility. 😉 Are you ready? When your sh*t comes up, recognize that what it is doing is that it’s actually uncovering your fixed points of view from where you hid them. AND,…Read More
Would you like to join me, Dr. Dain, on an exploration of tearing down the walls of separation? Well, you’re in luck, this clip from International Being You Day 2022 explores exactly that! How many energies have you been refusing? Putting up walls and barriers…Read More
Have you noticed that in moments of crisis in your life, you tend to start acting out, fighting for or against the status quo or choosing things that destroy your current relationship or situation? What if when you find yourself in those moments, is actually…Read More
There is a brand new space of ease, joy and glory that is available now that has never been available before. And as that space of creation continues to increase exponentially — it also creates big ARGHHH in the people around us that would much…Read More
All I ever really cared about – ever since I was a kid – was to be HAPPY. And to make other people HAPPY. And for people to know what is TRUE for them. (Yep, I am a dreamer!) Here is the thing… We have…Read More
Being You In A World Of Filters How much of our world is so carefully curated that it feels like we don’t even know who we are anymore? I was recently interviewed on the 7NewsDC TV channel about Being Authentically You in a World of…Read More
At this moment, the world is buzzing with so much information! How can you tell what is true and what is not? And how can you tell what is true for you? And as seekers, we tend to search high and low for something that…Read More
Here’s a brief visit back in time from the canals of Venice, where I discuss a tool that is such a gift during these immense times of change. You, my friend, are way more psychic than you ever wanted to know! You’re actually like a…Read More
How many points of view do you get stuck in daily? Yours, other people’s, and the world’s? What if there was a way to get unstuck from pretty much anything, at any time, in total ease? Would you be interested? If yes, come along to…Read More