Do This For You And Your Body | Tour of Consciousness

Do you ever do an ’idiot check’ when you leave somewhere? Wanna walk and talk with me while I do mine at El Lugar? 😂

This time of year we tend to put our heads down and just get through things: the shopping, the family stuff – all the annual ’musts’!

What would be possible if you (even just for a moment!) pulled your head out of the holiday rush and chose something just for the fun of it? For the wonderfulness of it? 😀

You might be surprised how quickly you can recharge your batteries and how much ease it creates.

Watch the video below to explore what I mean!

How many moments can you take that are just for you? Even if it’s just 20 minutes a day! Do something for your body, something that’s fun for you, and see what it creates.

What if you truly being you, enjoying this holiday season, are the gift, the change, and the possibility this world requires?

Happy holidays!!

From the back of the wonderfulness of a horse!

P.S. – If you’d like to visit more episodes of the Tour of Consciousness – there are many! Just go here to explore.

P.P. S – If you’re feeling a bit stuck on things and could use a little more support, head on over to check out my You Got This audios. There are audios for pretty much everything 😉

And for more information, tools, and resources, you can visit my website:



