Ok, it is nearly the new year! The bells may already be ringing in some parts of the world!
Here is the thing… I don’t have any suggested New Year’s resolutions for you. In fact, I would say any resolution will so easily become the start of a new cycle of judgment of… you.
Instead, let me ask you three questions:
1. Is now the time to be fully ALIVE?
2. Up until now, how much energy have you been using to keep the back doors to your life open?
3. What if this is the year you’re willing to commit to your life — in totality?
Is this of interest to you? Then come along to Houston, Texas and find out some more…
Thank you for being on the planet!
Happy early New Year! (Yes, HAPPY!)
P.S. For additional tools and further exploring right now…
Six videos about the tools I use every single day: https://drdainheer.com/whatnow/.
And to find out more about different classes that are coming up, please visit here.