Ending Jealousy
Author   Category Limitless Living

Do you have the jealousy bug?

Or, perhaps you have been at the effect of it yourself?

Well, guess what?!

Daddy’s got a brand new bag of tricks to unlock not only jealousy… but so much more!

Are you familiar with this scenario?…

Your partner is out on an adventure, maybe they didn’t call or text when you expected. And the crazy in your head begins – comparing yourself, worrying, wondering if they will leave you, and basically a total invalidation of what you know could be possible.

Welcome to a different choice.

What if jealousy wasn’t something that had to be true or real for you anymore?

Grab a tea, coffee, or margarita, and use this audio to invite you into a space of ease and peace with yourself. And everyone else you choose to have as an enjoyable part of your life and living! Go here to check it out.

P.S. You Got This! 😉


For Further Exploring Right Now…

What now? Six videos about the tools I use every single day: https://drdainheer.com/whatnow/.

Who Does This Belong To? A whole playlist about the first tool I would give an alien can be found here.

The NEW Being You Book Club! A series of deep dives into what it means to be you in every life area, based on the ‘Being You, Changing the World’ book: https://www.beingyoubookclub.com/

And for more about the International Being You Day as well, please find out more at http://wwwbeingyouday.com.



