The Freedom Beyond Normal... Tour of Consciousness
Author   Category Being You

All our lives we keep trying to fit in with people we think are valuable.

But what if what that really means is that you spend all your energy on trying to change you to fit in with other people that have no caring for anyone other than themselves?

Sure, that is what most of us have been taught is valuable by this reality.

And is that what YOU truly desire?

Come along to my yard in Houston; let’s look at this for a couple of minutes?

Your tool for today is to ask: What have you made so vital about being normal, average, real and the same as everyone else that keeps you from the change and difference this world requires?

If you didn’t have to be normal, average, real and the same as everyone else anymore, what difference could you create, here and now?

What if being the difference you truly be is what is required for you to step into a caring that goes way beyond what you’ve ever thought possible?

For you.

For the people around you.

For the Earth.

For all of us.

Just saying…

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