How To Turn Panic Into Possibilities

Starting SOON – The telecall you really need for 2025 – WHAT IF YOU TRULY LIVE THIS YEAR? >>

COVID pressed the reset button on the world.

I’m grateful that had the opportunity to talk with Fox 26 Houston about how to adapt to the change and the new circumstances we find ourselves in, and to change that sense of panic we may have in our world. What if these new circumstances could be transformed into a new possibility?

What can you do to change the anxiety and uncertainty you might find in your life now?  Join me for my interview where I got to share 3 tips on how to do just that!

Grateful for you,


P.S. For more videos, tools and possibilities, please visit my Tour of Consciousness page.  And also, you can discover even more videos on my YouTube Channel here.

P.S.S. And for even more tools and classes, please visit this! I’m super happy to announce, I launched a new audio series (available via app) that’s filled with mini classes/tools that you can take anywhere called “You Got This!” What else is possible now?

P.S.S.S. And for the full youtube segment on Fox 26 Houston, please visit here.



