When kindness is present every possibility is available.
The ultimate kindness is the gift of change and possibilities: whatever it looks like.
We’ve all heard the stories about how an act of kindness instills enough chaos and change into someone’s world that it totally changes their day, their year or even their life.
Would you be willing to include yourself in that kindness as well? The kindness to us is actually a path to the greatness of us.
Join me as I discuss this further…
Let’s create a greater world together my friends!
Find more tools you can use to create a more conscious life by visiting my website: https://www.drdainheer.com
If you see something that inspires you, I’d love for you to give it wings by liking or sharing it – this helps make my content more visible and introduces new people to tools that could change their lives. My target is to change the world with consciousness – are you with me? 🙂
Grateful for you!
P.S. For further exploring of the Access Consciousness tools right now…
– What now? Six videos about the tools I use every single day: https://drdainheer.com/whatnow/.
– Who Does This Belong To? A whole playlist about the first tool I would give an alien can be found here.