Living As the Question

New Telecall Starting SOON – WHAT IF WE MAKE 2025 TRULY MIRACULOUS? >>

Author   Category Limitless Living

Most people function in their lives from a lot of conclusions.

For example the conclusion that, ‘These are the only possibilities I have; these are the possibilities I don’t have.’

What if instead of functioning from conclusion, you could use questions to change anything in your life that is not working?

If you want to change it all, start living as the question. For anything you’d like to change, ask a question. It can be as simple as ‘What’s it going to take to change this?’ or ‘How does it get any better than this?’

By asking questions, you’ll start to see things change around you and recognize change is actually possible. Because you see things change, you can start to have a sense of hope and possibility.

What if you can change anything?

Watch this video for 4 questions that you can use anytime, for whenever anything comes up and you feel stuck – even for the things you think you cannot change.

Your life will start to show up in magical ways when you start to live as the question.

Are you ready my friends?




