I’m revisiting an old Tour of Consciousness from my past travels to talk about these different tools again! Yay! This is my second Tour of Consciousness installment on my quest to show you that you are indeed miraculous!
This time from the Holy Land…Israel.
Now, I get that you may still have some doubts about your miracle-maker capacities…
Will you let me present you with a different way of viewing this whole miracle thing?
What if a miracle is any phenomena that goes beyond what is considered logical, normal and real in this reality?
What if a miracle-maker is anyone that goes “f-ck this!” to the limitations that we’ve bought as true and necessary — and start demanding something different?
What if we’re all sleeping miracle-maker giants?
Just saying…
Come along to Jerusalem for your new miracle mission, should you choose to accept it. 🙂
Have fun dancing on the water!
PS. Did you miss the the first miracle installment in this series? Go here for the Age of Miracles First Installment!
P.S.S. And for even further exploring, here are six videos about the tools I use every single day:https://drdainheer.com/whatnow/