All I ever really cared about – ever since I was a kid – was to be HAPPY.
And to make other people HAPPY. And for people to know what is TRUE for them.
(Yep, I am a dreamer!)
Here is the thing…
We have a new tool that assists with this in ways I’ve never imagined possible. Come along to Houston and let me introduce you to another game-changer!
Remember: for everything that is heavy, start asking:
Whose lies am I using to create the __________ I am choosing?
What lies am I using to create the __________ I am choosing?
How many lies am I using to create the __________ I am choosing?
Have fun discovering what is TRUE FOR YOU.
And this is the FB Live that I mentioned above…
P.S. To explore more of my travels, adventures and Tour of Consciousness videos, I’d love to invite you to check it out here.