Snap Out Of It

Do you sometimes get tweaked when you browse through Facebook or Instagram? Do some posts even piss you off? Or make you go… IS THIS ALL THERE IS?!?!?

And do you secretly think that you are like The Grinch, basically begrudging everyone their happy?

Well, maybe you are! 🙂

Or — maybe you are just AWARE?

What if what you are perceiving is that most of it is not … real? Lies tend to make us angry! Even more than that, what if most of what is presented in social media is not RELEVANT? At least not to you.

And what if you are aware that something completely different is possible?  Join me as I discuss this further…

What if now is the time to SNAP OUT OF IT?

What if now is the time to snap out of the:

1) need to get likes,
2) need be liked and,
3) need to be like anyone else?

What if now is the time to use social media to inspire and change the world in ways we’ve never even imagined?

I would like to start a movement where we are willing to be as different and kind, and heck, maybe even inspiring, as we genuinely are – also on social.

(Note that kind does not mean to be a nice person who tries to make everyone feel good. Kind=Perceiving what someone requires and providing that.)

How do you get started? Well… Just take a moment and ask the following before your next post:

What will this create in people’s world?
What would I like to create?
If I was truly being me right now, what would I post?
And…what can I contribute with this post?

What if the beginning of every post is you having gratitude for anyone that will RECEIVE it? And for you posting it?

What if now is the time to make GRATITUDE the valuable product on this planet?

Just a question. And a suggestion. And a demand. Of US.

Until next time,
Dain the Grateful Dragon

#snapoutofit #sociallyaware

P.S. For more videos and tools, please visit my Tour of Consciousness page.  And also, you can discover even more videos on my YouTube Channel here!

P.S.S.  And for further exploring right now…

Six videos about the tools I use every single day:




