How much do you judge you? A little? A lot? Almost always? How many times, just today, have you felt badly about yourself or compared yourself to someone else and decided you did not measure up? For most of us, judging ourselves is something we…Read More
How much do you judge you? A little? A lot? Almost always? How many times, just today, have you felt badly about yourself or compared yourself to someone else and decided you did not measure up? For most of us, judging ourselves is something we…Read More
How much do you judge you? A little? A lot? Almost always? How many times, just today, have you felt badly about yourself or compared yourself to someone else and decided you did not measure up? For most of us, judging ourselves is something we…Read More
I sometimes start my classes a few days before they actually begin. Like today! Ever since I woke up, I’ve been pondering the possibilities from a telecall I had earlier last year. In that noodling around, I stumbled across a tool I wanted to share…Read More
There are very few things that I am not in the question about. But this is one. You know. You always know. And following that knowing — YOUR KNOWING — is the key to a life of ease, joy and glory. It is the key…Read More
Dear Co-Travelers in Awareness, It is said that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. What if that beholder is YOU? Do you know that a plant dies if you continuously scream at it? What if the anger, fury and rage mankind continuously delivers…Read More
What if all and any of the crap you’re creating is based on this reality’s point of view? What if you didn’t have to get this reality right anymore? Truly! This I know… There is something so far beyond this reality possible…something easier…gentler…kinder and way…Read More
What if all and any of the crap you’re creating is based on this reality’s point of view? What if you didn’t have to get this reality right anymore? Truly! This I know… There is something so far beyond this reality possible…something easier…gentler…kinder and way…Read More
Have you ever taken a moment to consider if the people in your life are… happy? I am not talking about the image we’re showing in our social media feeds. They are usually full of smiling selfies, sweet quotes, and funny children’s stories. That is…Read More