To truly change what is happening on the Earth we must go beyond all of the “how to” of change, and into how we BE. Have you acknowledged that how you be and walk upon the Earth actually creates change? Join me as I discuss…Read More
Recently, I sat down for a night of Netflix and chill. Yes, I do watch Netflix occasionally, when I’m getting my Bars run and not trying to take photos with my telescope! I watched the incredible documentary released by Sir David Attenborough, “A Life On…Read More
I want to invite you to something special. Something I’ve never done before, and that I’m so excited about, I want to hire a plane to write it across the sky… wanna be part of creating a new future earth? First: a story I know,…Read More
How would you describe life here on Earth right now? Ok? Fine? Cray-cray? : – ) What if it could be … magical? And what if the key to creating that kind of life, living, and future for all of us living on this planet…Read More
Well, I am NOT in Houston anymore! Woo-hoo!! I am in Mexico, in one of those places where the Earth is celebrating itself in all its grand and glory. I T I S B E A U T I FU L ! Come along, I’ll…Read More