What would the world be like if the value of a true gentlemen was acknowledged? We talked about this and more on the second installment of The Return of the Gentleman. Watch the replay below! If you’re not signed up for this free video series…Read More
Are you finally willing to be totally free with your family? If the answer is yes, I have a brand new tool for you! For some of you Christmas is upon you right now. If so, this new tool may be intensely relevant. However, it…Read More
Have you ever had a co-worker who was really hard to work with? Maybe they didn’t communicate well. Maybe they didn’t do their part and expected you to pick up the slack. Maybe you don’t know exactly what it is, but everything they do annoys…Read More
Most of us have been in relationships before. We might be in them now. If you are, is yours fun and exciting? Is it playful? Does it bring more ease and joy into your life? Does it make your life greater? Or, perhaps, there was…Read More