giving up perfection Archives - Dr. Dain Heer

giving up perfection

Escaping Perfectionism

Author   Category Limitless Living

No matter how long you’ve been stuck in the perfection trap, you can change it. Our preoccupation with the idea of ‘perfection’ is extremely damaging. Perfectionism puts us in a constant state of judgment; always trying to be good enough while believing that we are…Read More

Escaping The Trap of Perfectionism

Author   Category Limitless Living

No matter how long you’ve been stuck in the perfection trap, you can change it. Our preoccupation with the idea of ‘perfection’ is extremely damaging. Perfectionism puts us in a constant state of judgment; always trying to be good enough while believing that we are…Read More

How Perfection Almost Killed Me

Recently, I had the pleasure of being on the MenProvement Podcast. In this episode of Menprovement Podcast, I got to talk with Artur about perfectionism and how it can make you miserable if left unchecked.  Some of the things we talked about are… 1. How perfectionism…Read More

What If You Didn’t Have To Be Perfect?

Author   Category Being You

The definition we have of consciousness in Access Consciousness is…where everything exists and nothing is judged. Now imagine if that was true about you and for you and every choice you’ve ever made? What if you didn’t have to be perfect any longer? What if…Read More



