inspire Archives - Dr. Dain Heer


How You Inspire The World

Author   Category Limitless Living

Please realize, people are coming to you for the change that you can gift. There is a unique facilitation that you can do, that nobody else can do. Including me. With more of us recognizing how potent we are and the contribution that we are…….Read More

Inspiring Now

Author   Category Limitless Living

I totally get it is much easier to align and agree with the doom and gloom and sense of catastrophe. Or resist and react and dismiss everything as humbug and conspiracy theories! What if there is an entirely different possibility? What if you BE that…Read More

To Inspire Now

Author   Category Limitless Living

I totally get it is much easier to align and agree with the doom and gloom and sense of catastrophe. Or resist and react and dismiss everything as humbug and conspiracy theories! What if there is an entirely different possibility? What if you BE that…Read More

How You Inspire

Author   Category Body Talk

Please realize, people are coming to you for the change that you can gift. There is a unique facilitation that you can do, that nobody else can do. Including me. With more of us recognizing how potent we are and the contribution that we are…….Read More



