We’re entering a brand new amazing year… The best possible year — so far! And I have a mission for you, my friends! BE HERE FOR THIS YEAR. Be fully present, fully alive; receiving everything, judging nothing. How? Well, that is the million-dollar question! I…Read More
What is your new ask for 2019? If you could ask for ANYTHING for this year, what would it be? With your family, body, money, your relationship…? With you? Please know…you can ask for something new in EVERY SINGLE AREA of your life and living!…Read More
We’re entering a brand new amazing year…The best possible year — so far! And I have a mission for you, my friends! BE HERE FOR THIS YEAR. Be fully present, fully alive, receiving everything, judging nothing. How? Well, that is the million-dollar question! I made…Read More
Is there a way to have everything you want in 2018? Did you make any New Year’s Resolutions? If you did, how are you doing with them? If you are keeping up with those resolutions and still doing what you said you were going to…Read More
Statistics show that only 8-9% of the people who make New Year’s Resolutions actually keep them. Why is that? Most people regard resolutions as a form of goal-setting. All the advice is about setting and reaching your goals. The problem with this approach is that the…Read More
It is whole brand shiny new year! Just start by tapping into those 365 days in front of you…what else is possible now? What questions can you ask that have never been asked before? What can you create this year, that will out-create everything that…Read More