That Child
Author   Category Being You

This is probably the longest  video I’ve ever made! So be warned, my friend; it is nearly 12 min long. Whew! 🙂

So what inspired that, you ask?

Well, I read something online… It was an open letter from someone who functions without any judgement, in total allowance.

Remember the definition of consciousness? Where nothing is judged and everything is allowed to be as it is.

That is the space from which this letter was written and I’d really like to share it with you. Watch it here:

Your tool for today: This is less of a tool, more of an acknowledgment.

Consciousness has nothing to do with if you’ve ever been in an Access class or not. Consciousness doesn’t care what classes you take! Consciousness actually can’t exist where there are fixed points of view, conclusions, judgements or discernments.

Instead it simply has your back when you function from the space of awareness. Like this teacher does!

What space are YOU choosing to function from?

What else is possible?

PS. Amy Murray, B.Ed., M.S. blogs at She can also be found on Twitter at @happycampergirl, and on Facebook as Miss Night’s Marbles. She is the co-founder of #kinderchat (, a twitter-based global community for teachers of young children. For more information about how you can help THAT kid, THIS kid, THOSE kids, THESE kids, OUR kids, please visit HERE.

If you’ve never heard of the Access Clearing Statement go here



