The holiday craze is here, at least in the western parts of the world…
Dear humanoid: Welcome to the Arghh of the Holidays! 🙂
Now, I have a tool for you that could, IF YOU CHOOSE TO USE IT, make this holiday the greatest so far.
Are you willing to have that much fun? Then come along to sunny, windy December Oz.
And yes, even if you don’t celebrate Christmas, this tool is relevant for you too!
It actually works on any situation where there are expectations, projections, rejections, judgments, and separations hanging around!
Just saying.
P.S. For more videos and tools as I travel around this beautiful planet of ours, please visit my Tour of Consciousness page.
P.S.S. And it’s that time of year again, when I have a Global Energetic Synthesis of Communion (ESC)! I would love to have you join. You can find out more information here.
And for even more holiday gifts and tools, check this page out below and this link here!