The Gift of Gratitude by Dr Dain Heer
Author   Category Being You

The Gift of Gratitude

What if gratitude were the new paradigm?

Gift-of-GratitudeYou can’t have gratitude and judgment at the same time. You can either be grateful or have judgment: they don’t co-exist. Which would you like to choose?

What is truly great about that is that someone else can have judgment of you – and you can still be grateful for him or her and even grateful for his or her judgments of you. That’s pretty cool! Why? Because it gives you, you – and there is no need to ever separate from anyone ever again. Not even you. It creates the possibility of being grateful for everything your partner, friends, or family chooses.

Everything that doesn’t allow that to become a reality for you, will you destroy and uncreate that please? Right and Wrong, Good and Bad, POD and POC, All Nine, Shorts, Boys and Beyonds™ Thank you.

(That is the Access Consciousness® Clearing Statement – Click Here to Learn More)

So my friend, what can you be grateful for today that you may not have been grateful for before? Please leave your comments below!



