The Energetic Synthesis of Communion, or ESC, was developed many years ago by me… when I gave Gary Douglas a session…
This 6 min video gives you the sense of the magic it can be!
Communion is the energy, the sense of peace, that is possible when we are connected to everyone and everything, including the earth. That space is the indescribable energy of the ESC (Energetic Synthesis of Communion).
ESCs are facilitated by me, often during lunch breaks at special classes. Often, I walk around the room, working on the bodies of the participants in the room and online, while speaking to all of the people and the energies that come up. And all are contributed to!
It’s beyond words, it’s through everyone and everything, every molecule in creation, thrumming and vibrating and contributing to the healing of you, your body and the planet.
Lay down, relax and connect with what the earth, the universe and consciousness are inviting you to in that moment.
Grateful for you,
P.S. For more on the ESC and information on the next events, go to http://drdainheer.com/esc
P.S.S. And for further exploring right now…
Six videos about the tools I use every single day: https://drdainheer.com/whatnow/.