What if Happiness is not Limited by Your Past?

DAILY BOOSTS for sanity and laughter – Your personal advent "holidaze" calendar with Dr. Dain >>

What if there is nothing else you need to be happy?  Even if you aren’t happy right now?  Sounds crazy right?  What if it’s not you that is crazy, but it is this reality… could you have a different possibility for happiness?

Dain-Heer-Being-You-ClassI’ll give you a hint… the key is NOT in your history!  Would you be willing to unhook everywhere your history is limiting you and stopping you from being the happiness you truly be?  What if your present and your future could be totally different to your past?  Is that something you might like?

Enjoy the clearings from this taster class on happiness!  You never know… you might just show up happy!  Another simple step to Being You, Changing the World.

[audio:http://drdainheer.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/Blog-15-Happiness.mp3|titles=Blog #15 Happiness]



