Today I have one single question for you:
If you had a 100 million dollars, that renewed annually, what would you choose to create?
Now if that blows your mind, come along to my hotel room in Copenhagen, Denmark and explore this a bit more… This is a Tour of Consciousness from a few years ago… But what if we use this tool again now? What would change? What could get created? 😉
Did you watch it?
Now, truth: what would YOU choose? After you pay off your debts. And buy that house. And car. And give money to your favorite charities. And your favorite family members. And favorite friends. (Not in any particular order.)
After all of that, what would you choose?
What would you create if money were not the issue?
P.S. For even further exploring, here are six videos about the tools I use every single day:https://drdainheer.com/whatnow/.
P.S.S. And for even more tools, please visit my Tour of Consciousness page. Also, you can discover more videos on my YouTube Channel here!