What is a Gentleman?

Starting SOON – The telecall you really need for 2025 – WHAT IF YOU TRULY LIVE THIS YEAR? >>

Our current reality and society has many rather extreme ideas of what a true gentleman is.

Anything from bringing his loved one red roses every day to fist bumps with his mates for the number of women he managed to get into bed that week.

Now the interesting thing for me is I don’t see any of this as what a true gentleman is. For me a true gentleman cannot be defined, yet has many qualities that empower him to be him no matter the circumstance. Along with this, is the gift and joy of empowering others around him without judgment or force.

True gentlemen possess kindness, caring and a vulnerability along with the ability to remain present and be you without wrongness of any kind.

What if there truly is a different possibility for and as men on this planet?

What if the kindness and vulnerability of men is the gift of men?

And what if MEN…you were never wrong?

The Return Of the Gentleman began when a close friend of mine Liam started asking me questions about what it means to be a man? We had a long conversation and it stuck me that there is such a magnificent space available for men and woman in the world that no one is talking about.

You can comb the internet for days, and the only information available for men about men is either “how to pick up chicks” or “porn”. And let’s be honest here, these have nothing to do with being a true gentleman.

So here is my invitation to all the men looking for something different, something greater and something that will allow us men to be more in the world.

We have already kicked off with our first episode, click here to watch.

And if you would like to join our Return of the Gentleman adventure sign up here!

Please share, invite and explode this energy into the world. This is for everyone: men, women and other fantastic beings!

You can subscribe to Return of The Gentleman YouTube Channel HERE

For all questions, queries, comments and contributions please email the ROG Team at rog@accessconsciousness.com

Thank you for being you!




