What Is Light & Heavy?

DAILY BOOSTS for sanity and laughter – Your personal advent "holidaze" calendar with Dr. Dain >>

Here’s a very simple tool to find out everything that’s true for you and everything that’s not!  You’ll start knowing instantly when something will work for you, and then you can choose accordingly.

Join me as I revisit this tool…. And boy, is this relevant ESPECIALLY NOW. Yowza!

What if it’s time to come out of the wrongness of us, for anything we’ve ever chosen or done?

What if now is the time to have the lightness of what’s true for us and not have to believe something is wrong if we choose something different?


PS. What the Bleep is Pod & Poc? If you’re new to the Tour of Consciousness, you may still find the Pod & POc part a bit odd… If so, maybe re-visit this video where I explain the Clearing Statement?

P.S.S. And for even further exploring, here are six videos about the tools I use every single day:https://drdainheer.com/whatnow/.  Also, please visit my Tour of Consciousness page, and you can discover more videos on my YouTube Channel here!




