What's Right About You Being You?
Author   Category Being You

What does it actually mean to “be you”? Let me start with what it is not about. It is not about defining you. It is not about deciding what the ‘real you’ looks like and acts like and then trying to be that. You are too big for any definition. You are too big for any box. You are an infinite being, without limits. You have capacities and gifts that others do not. You perceive possibilities that others are unaware of.

Being you is about committing to you and  embracing and inviting those capacities, gifts, and possibilities even if no one else gets it. Even if no one understands.  Being you is an invitation to others and the space that invites them to it.

Many of us grow up without being acknowledged for the gift that we are. Few of us were celebrated for our difference. Going beyond this into truly choosing to have and be more of who we truly are each day is a choice – a choice that takes some courage.

You are an energy that is unique to you. When you are being you, this energy is available to the world. When you are not being you, we all miss out!

So how do you choose to be more of you?


Tip #1: The very first step is to stop… JUDGING YOU.

When was the last time you judged yourself for something? Five minutes ago? Maybe less? What if you are not wrong? What if you have never been? If judging you is something you do on a daily basis, one way you can stop is to ask this question, “What is right about me that I am not getting?”

It is not about looking for what is right about as in creating a list of positive judgments. It is about finding gratitude for you, for what you are that you may have never acknowledged.  Gratitude and judgment cannot exist at the same time. You are choosing one or the other.


Tip #2: Ask ‘Is this mine?’

The second step to getting out of judgment is realizing that you are very, very aware of everyone around you, and of their judgements. You’re like a big psychic radio receiver picking up feelings, thoughts, and emotions from everyone around you! And since you’ve been taught from an early age to use judgment to navigate the world, those judgments feel real, they feel right and you buy them as yours. Here is the issue: 99% of the time those judgments are not yours! They belong to someone else — which means you can not change them!

By asking,  ‘Is this mine?’ for every judgment that comes up and noticing if your world lightens up just a little bit, it isn’t yours. Let it go, return to the sender (you don’t need to know who it is) and choose something different.

What if, just for today, you tried an experiment? Ask: ‘What is right about me that I am not getting?’ and ‘Is this mine?’ for every single judgment that comes up. I wonder what else would be possible then? 😉


P.S. I am having a special, Being You, Changing the World online class on July 3rd, based on my book “Being You Changing The World”. This is an open invitation to join this unique event! This online class has no prerequisites and is uniquely created by the people who choose to join remotely from all over the world! I would love to have you there!

P.S.S. And if you’d like to check out my Being You book and download a free chapter, please visit here! My gift to you.

For the full article in Thrive Global Online Publication, please visit this page.



