Special Holiday Edition Part 2

It’s me again! How are you doing out there, in jolly season land? Would you like some more tools to play with?

Click below to watch video #2 of this Special Holiday Edition.

Oh! By the way! No! Don’t click yet!

First — check in with yourself. Where are you at right now? Remember that.

Now click and watch the video….

Have you watched it? Check in again.

Has the energy changed in your universe? Don’t go into if it is better or worse. Just — has it changed? If so — how does it get even better than that?

Til next time, jingle bells on you all!

If you like, you can sign up for the Tour of Consciousness here.

P.S. And for additional tools and further exploring right now…

Six videos about the tools I use every single day: https://drdainheer.com/whatnow/.

And to find out more about different classes that are coming up, please visit here!



