Experiencing A Judgment-Free-Day!

Starting SOON – The telecall you really need for 2025 – WHAT IF YOU TRULY LIVE THIS YEAR? >>

Author   Category Limitless Living

Remember being a kid and having the wonder and curiosity of living?

There’s this open receiving of everything.

And, then…we start to learn at a really young age that judgment is valid, valuable and real. That it’s a valid source for knowing what to choose and what to be, and what not to choose and what not to be.

What if it’s not?
What if that is the biggest lie that we have all bought?
The lie is that judgment has any value or relevance to what we can choose and be.

Judgment is the biggest killer of possibilities and happiness that there is, whether we are judging ourselves or judging others.

What if you could give yourself a Judgment Break? Just for one day…

For the next 24 Hours, clock starts now, experience a judgement free day with me.  And join me here, as I discuss this further!

By the way, this is a clip from Being You Day, you can still watch the full replay here: beingyouday.com. (This interview was aired live during the first ever International Being You Day on May 22, 2021.)

Let’s do this! Just for one day… at least?


P.S. You can also watch the entire International Being You Day here and/or skip to your favorite parts of the day here!

Excited for us all to experience a judgement free day! 🙂



