When I was a child, my parents would ask me, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” And I would reply “Happy!” Somewhere, I have always known that if I was happy, everything else in my life would work. However, for many of us happiness seems just out of reach, like a place we will all ‘get to’ one day.
Ironically, seeing happiness as a destination is the very thing that keeps it so elusive. In truth, you can choose to be happy, for no reason! It’s a space of being, something you are; and it’s not as complicated as we’ve been led to believe. Let’s take a closer look.
What if it’s about your point of view? Your point of view creates your reality; reality does not create your point of view. This is a vital element in finding your happy and creating your life. Being happy comes first. It’s the catalyst for creating the life you truly desire, and accessing all of the experiences, people, possessions and situations you’d like to have in your life. What if all it takes to be happy, is to alter your perspective? Here are 4 ways to choose happiness today.
1. Find out what lights you up and do it daily.
What lights you up? Hang out in nature, visit that friend who you feel great around, go window shopping, create, watch your favorite movie. Treat yourself, take a day trip somewhere you love, or buy a donut and eat it in the sun. Ask yourself:
What is it that makes me happy, that I’ve never acknowledged?
2. Say this out loud: All of life comes to me with ease, and joy and glory.
Say it ten times. In fact, say it ten times every morning, and every evening. It will invite ease and joy and an exuberance of living into your whole life, the good, the bad, and the ugly.
Who doesn’t want that?
3. Live every day as a celebration.
Reach into your wardrobe and wear that special dress or shirt you’ve been saving for the perfect occasion. Prepare that meal you love to cook for guests — just for you. And eat it on the dinnerware you’re saving for Christmas.
If not now, when?
4. Move your body:
There’s a reason this is recommended by doctors the world over — physical exercise releases endorphins, giving you that beautiful, natural sense of happiness that comes with a side helping of vitality. Put your favourite playlist on and move your body!
And, if you’re happy, could you let your face know it? If you don’t, your body never knows it’s actually happy!
Just saying!
Happiness is actually your natural state.
Once you start accessing more of it, a momentum is set in motion, and more and more will show up with ease.
Happiness is the natural state you choose when you are not choosing against you.
What if Happiness is just a choice?