Finally get beyond solving problems using a tool that works to create possibilities!
If you’ve been on this ride with me for a while, you know I am a bit obsessive and OCD. Proudly so! It is a really cool superpower.
Anyhow, it means that when I come across a question that tweaks me, that turns me on, that challenges me — that creates BIG CHANGE, I keep running it.
And running it.
And running it.
On today’s installment of the Tour of Consciousness, I would like you to meet my favorite question (right now). One that actualizes possibilities right outta the gate, even if you don’t THINK so.
Come along to Rome, Italy!
And no, I am not putting the question here.
This question comes with some instructions.
Go watch the video, my friend.
It may change…everything for you. It has for me.😬
P.S. For further exploring of the Access Consciousness tools right now…
– What now? Six videos about the tools I use every single day: https://drdainheer.com/whatnow/.
– Who Does This Belong To? A whole playlist about the first tool I would give an alien can be found here.
#tourofconsciousness #toolsthatwork #toolsthatyouneed #accessconsciousness