What if this world and your body are meant to be thoroughly and unashamedly enjoyed? Join Dr. Dain Heer for this special one-day class in Dublin, unwrapping the provocative beauty, adventure and joy of orgasm! (Bodies will be touched during this class.) This class will show…Read More
Bu Türkiyedeki herkese özel ücretsiz bir davetiye 6 Ekimde bana katılmanız için – Benim size hediyem. Türkiye ve dünya da neyi değiştirebileceğimizi görmek için zaman ayırmaya gönüllü olan herkesle bir telekonferans yapmak istiyorum! Telekonferansa videolu davet için BURAYA GİDİN. (LÜTFEN Türkçe için alt yazıyı ‘sub title’ tıklamayı unutmayın.) Bir…Read More
UNE CLASSE DU SOIR AVEC LE DR DAIN HEER Et si vous aviez la capacité de créer votre monde par magie – au-delà de vos rêves les plus fous ? On nous a appris que la magie sont les sorts et les formule magiques, l’illusion,…Read More
What if you have the capacity to create your world by magic — as something that goes beyond your wildest dreams? We’re taught that magic is hocus-pocus, an illusion or airy fairy fantasy… What if it’s actually who we are? Magic is the capacity to be…Read More
We have a capacity for miracles that is unfounded and greater than anything we’ve ever acknowledged. We have the capacity to be a miracle walking, a miracle talking, and a miracle creating that will actually change the world. Would you like a taste of how…Read More
Imagine for a moment, a life without limits. What would that look like? What would that BE like? No restrictions. No stopping points. No holding back or making yourself small. You, fully being you – the infinite, potent, unlimited being that you are – creating…Read More
Does everything and everyone around you seem to be in more CHAOS than ever before? What if that is a good thing? What if consciousness actually is… chaos? We’ve been brought up thinking we need to control, fix and order everything. Yet, what if that’s…Read More
So how does this work? 1. LET US KNOW WHAT YOU KNOW Thank you for taking the time to tell us about your Access Bars Session. It just takes a few minutes and is totally anonymous. Just click here to answer a few questions. Thank you…Read More
Nineteen years ago, I felt so depressed and hopeless that I set a date to kill myself. I gave the universe six months to show me something else was possible. I had two chiropractic practices, a bit of money, a wonderful girlfriend – I had…Read More
Dr. Dain Heer offers a different approach to healing depression naturally. The energetic transformation possible is fast – and truly dynamic. To learn more on this subject please go to Overcoming Depression Naturally, where you also can sign up for a free email series.