A few summers ago, I had the amazing possibility of speaking at MindValley University at their recent event in Croatia. I’d like to revisit this because it’s still so relevant! I discussed the subject of “Now Is The Time (We Are The Awareness Revolution)” and…Read More
Nurturing Our Children’s Mental Health What would change in the world if we began to teach kids and young people the value of their awareness and what they know? Recently, I had the pleasure of being interviewed on the PakMag Parents Podcast, where host Bree…Read More
What if the Universe has your back? What if somewhere, within, you KNOW that? What if the way it shows up just never ever looks like you think it will — or should? If you were willing to listen, what would the universe tell you?…Read More
Think about your life one year ago … has anything changed? Is anything different? What seems possible now that didn’t seem possible before? What have you seen change in the last year that has given you a sense of hope, a sense possibilities and a…Read More
This summer, I had the amazing possibility of speaking at MindValley University at their recent event in Croatia. I discussed the subject of “Now Is The Time (We Are The Awareness Revolution)” and so much more! Come along with me on this adventure as I…Read More
What if there is a completely different way of functioning in this world? What if there is a completely different way of creating all our future? A way that revolutionizes everything you be, know, perceive and receive. A way that busts the myths of this…Read More