being you Archives - Page 14 of 19 - Dr. Dain Heer

being you

Being You

I’m currently in Sydney, Australia facilitating an amazing class called, “Being You Changing The World”.  While here, I had the possibility of being interviewed by the phenomenal Wellness Woman Radio Show. So grateful for this amazing conversation.  What else is possible when you be you?…Read More

Finding Happy

Author   Category Limitless Living

What DOES create happiness and an overall sense of satisfaction with life? Here are my top three tips on how to find your happy. Start a Gratitude Journal What we acknowledge grows bigger. When you start to focus on the things that you are grateful…Read More

What Is Being You?

Author   Category Being You

I love leading these amazing 3.5 day workshops designed to help people become more self aware on their journey toward self actualization and self empowerment.  The level of change and possibility that occurs in these classes is unlike anything I’ve experienced before. And as people…Read More



