being your difference Archives - Dr. Dain Heer

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being your difference

In-Frequently Asked Questions

Author   Category Limitless Living

What if every creation, every innovation, every moment of ingenuity and every bright and brilliant idea you have ever had, or will have, begins with a question? I’d like to invite you to start asking a very different set of questions today, questions which are…Read More

The Difference Of You!

Author   Category Limitless Living

Are you trying to get normal, right? And are you … succeeding? What if there is something different about you? What if that is the gift you be? What if there is a world choosable beyond everything you think is possible? Really. Come along to…Read More

What Does It Mean To Be You?

Author   Category Being You

What if you are anything but average, normal and real? What if you are a phenomenal presence in the world? Changing everything around you, as you move forward? Would you be willing to acknowledge that? In this video, join me as I describe what it…Read More



