We are on the verge of creating a totally different world that… Includes all of us… And judges no one. A world that celebrates our differences, our uniqueness, and recognizes that THAT is actually the gift of us. What if we are the ones we’ve…Read More
You know that thing we used to do… intercontinental traveling? Well, I did it! I went from Houston, Texas to beautiful Casalborgone, Italy. And the very first thing I did when I arrived was this installment of the Tour of Consciousness for you all! Join…Read More
As we search for possibilities in tumultuous times, I had the opportunity to talk with Fox Houston about how change starts with us being a leader with what we know is possible in the world. The path of kindness, vulnerability, and possibility are available if…Read More
Recently, I had the pleasure of speaking with Venus Castleberg on her podcast “Leaders For A Conscious World” about being different, staying weird and how it relates to all aspects of life and living. What if you were different enough to choose the path of…Read More
Have you ever had a co-worker who was really hard to work with? Maybe they didn’t communicate well. Maybe they didn’t do their part and expected you to pick up the slack. Maybe you don’t know exactly what it is, but everything they do annoys…Read More