create your future Archives - Dr. Dain Heer

create your future

Your Future Can Be Created Today

Author   Category Limitless Living

What if everything that is going on for you today is actually the result of every single choice you made in the past? Yes, EVERYTHING! And yes, every choice. Just ponder that. Daunting? Or…exciting? See, if that is correct, your choices TODAY…. your choice right now……Read More

Your Future Now

Author   Category Limitless Living

What if today is the day you could (finally) let go of your past? And start creating your future? And what if you could ask for anything as your future? Yep. Anything! Have I started to annoy you yet? Good! Grab a pen and watch…Read More

14 Days Of Ineffable Magic!

Author   Category Limitless Living

You, my friends, are magic. And, in such ways that go so far beyond what we can fathom. To celebrate you and your unfathomable miraculousness this holiday season, me and my team put together 14 days of goodies for you, which we’ve titled 14 Days…Read More

Creating Your Future

Author   Category Limitless Living

Who’s ready for a deep dive today? Put on your energetic scuba gear, because we’re going where few dare! What do you know that goes so far beyond this reality that it seems that it almost doesn’t exist…but you know it does…and you’ve known forever…Read More

Gearing Up For Future?

Author   Category Limitless Living

Do you have times when you can’t seem to find the words? They stubbornly hide way back in your head – or stumble out on top of each other – like some alphabet soup. What if that is not … wrong? What if that is…Read More



