When was the last time you were able to be in the world without ANY judgment swirling around? You know, that delicious space where you are allowed to be you in all your quirkiness and glory. THIS is what we explored over 21 days in…Read More
Do you ever find yourself… overcomplicating things? NO, YOU WOULD NEVER! I wouldn’t either…. Oh wait, except I do… Like I did with this video! I had the really cool idea of shooting this video with my drone. Cut to 23,756,088,732 takes later…hahaha and I…Read More
If there was something really easy you could do ten times in the morning and ten times in the evening to change your life… … this reality … and the whole darn world, WOULD YOU? If you get a yes, come along to Vienna and…Read More
There is a brand new space of ease, joy and glory that is available now that has never been available before. And as that space of creation continues to increase exponentially — it also creates big ARGHHH in the people around us who would much…Read More
What a gift and a pleasure to be with you all during this holiday season! Welcome to the Ineffable F*cking Magic of you!! There is so much going on this holiday season…the joy, the expectations, the gifts, the “proving,” and all the social events. 😆…Read More
Have you acknowledged lately just how beautiful your life and living are? What if you began finally to have the freedom to actually acknowledge it? My sense Is that we truly are just getting started with what’s possible. Imagine… All of us co-creating on a…Read More
There is a brand new space of ease, joy and glory that is available now that has never been available before. And as that space of creation continues to increase exponentially — it also creates big ARGHHH in the people around us that would much…Read More
There is a brand new space of ease, joy and glory that is available now that has never been available before. And as that space of creation continues to increase exponentially, it also creates a big ARGHHH in the people around us who would much…Read More