energetic synthesis of being Archives - Page 5 of 5 - Dr. Dain Heer

energetic synthesis of being

You’ll Know What To Do

Author   Category Body Talk

It is funny how everything starts with a question.  The Energetic Synthesis of Being came about the moment Gary Douglas stepped into my office for a network chiropractic session.  I was nervous. I knew he was the founder of Access Consciousness, and I really wanted to…Read More

Everything We Experience Is Energy

Author   Category Being You

Everything we experience in this world is energy, and everything we experience has an energy to it. It wasn’t until I started understanding that energy is within all of us and everything – it’s our primary language, our basic nature – that I realized that,…Read More

Modulating Energy

Author   Category Being You

Would you be willing to know that you are an energetic wizard? Yes YOU! You have energetic capacities that can change everything — if you just start to use, practice and play with them! Check out the video below, Part 3 in my ‘What the Bleep…Read More



