In honor of World Happiness Day, I would like to tell you about a time when someone stole my happy! Arghhhhh! Come along to my castle and I will tell you! What is it for you, that is your happiness that no one else gets?…Read More
What DOES create happiness and an overall sense of satisfaction with life? Hard work? Doing things, and doing them the right way? Luck? Or is it something else? Having traveled the world, having spoken and communicated with thousands of people from various cultures and walks…Read More
What is purpose, and how does one find it? While at first glance the idea of finding your purpose might seem to make sense, a closer look reveals that it may not actually be beneficial. Because what happens if you don’t discover your purpose? Or,…Read More
What DOES create happiness and an overall sense of satisfaction with life? Here are my top three tips on how to find your happy. Start a Gratitude Journal What we acknowledge grows bigger. When you start to focus on the things that you are grateful…Read More
How can we be happy this holiday season? The Christmas and New Year Season is a time of festivities, decorations and social outings; but it is also a time of heightened stress and loneliness. Studies show that 71% of Americans are stressed or unhappy during…Read More
Here’s a quickie for you and your body – from the lush and luminous rainforest of Costa Rica! So, my friend, would you be willing to have your heart dance from excitement and allow your molecules to vibrate faster than you’ve EVER imagined possible? What…Read More
Most of you know the ‘Who Does This Belong To?’ tool, right? (If not, please go here. It is an amazing tool that everyone should have available!) Now, sometimes when you use this amazing tool, does the CRAP STILL HANG AROUND? Yes? Arghhh!!?!!?!??! Well, I’d…Read More
Some things we’ve been entrained OUT OF. Like having the total joy of orgasmic living! As kids, many of us actually had this capacity naturally… On hot summer days, we would eat an ice-cream with total presence in every molecule of our body: letting the…Read More
Here we are, at the very trembling beginning of the new year… Are you you checking the score? Are you looking back at what you created last year? Are you looking forward to what you can create next year? Are you a dreamer, my friend?…Read More
Most people function in their lives from a lot of conclusions. For example the conclusion that, ‘These are the only possibilities I have; these are the possibilities I don’t have.’ What if instead of functioning from conclusion, you could use questions to change anything in…Read More