Sometimes I would like to give you EVERYTHING, immediately, right freaking now. This is one of those times! So this installment of the Tour of Consciousness is a bit long … 25 min. : – ) My gift to you! 🙂 See, I’ve been given…Read More
Sometimes I would like to give you EVERYTHING, immediately, right freaking now. This is one of those times! So this installment of the Tour of Consciousness is a bit long … 20 min. : – ) My gift to you! 🙂 See, I’ve been given…Read More
Sometimes I would like to give you EVERYTHING, immediately, right freaking now. This is one of those times! So this installment of the Tour of Consciousness is a bit long … 20 min. : – ) My gift to you! 🙂 See, I’ve been given…Read More
Do you ever wake up feeling like the south end of a northbound elephant is sitting on your head? Or wake up gloriously happy and once you start to interact with people and the world, that happy feeling somehow…just disappears? And does this occur more…Read More
A few years ago, I was packing for my latest trip. I had been pretty much traveling for the previous 15 years straight and on that particular day I was tired, and I was cranky. Over the next few days, that crankiness kept getting bigger,…Read More
Everyone has bad days now and then; but feelings of discomfort, disconnection and lack of confidence can really take their toll on your wellbeing if you start having more bad days than good. There are, however, things you can do to uplift your mood, confidence…Read More
I had read every personal development book and dabbled with every metaphysical technique to try and get happy, but everything fell short. Not long after, I saw an ad in the paper saying “All of life comes to me with Ease, Joy and Glory –…Read More
You have the capacity to change anything in your life… whether you have relationship issues, money worries, health concerns, or just an inner sense that you can be happier. You can create and ignite your desires the moment you choose to be more you. Eight…Read More
What choice for happiness do you have available, that if you made it, would create a greater life, a greater reality for you, and a greater world for us all? Earlier this year, I talked to Fox News Houston about ways to ‘find your happy’….Read More
When I was a child, my parents would ask me, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” And I would reply “Happy!” Somewhere, I have always known that if I was happy, everything else in my life would work. However, for many…Read More