Have you always known that being in a body could be an exponentially greater gift than it has been? Do you ever feel like you’re missing the magic of what is truly possible with bodies? Or that you’re only choosing to enjoy and create a…Read More
Have you ever wondered what it would take to create the life, living, and future you’d truly like to have? Is now the time? What if nothing happens “to you”? What if you’re the one creating your future? Right now and continuously? What if you…Read More
What is Energy? Have you ever given someone a hug and just felt like you could stand there forever . . . melting . . . falling into the person you are hugging . . . ? And, by contrast, have you ever given someone…Read More
All over the world our caring goes out to all those affected by the earthquake in Japan. As brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers and friends who inherit this beautiful planet together, what happens to one of us happens to all of us. What would it take…Read More
I don’t call myself a healer. I call myself a facilitator. My aim is to facilitate someones consciousness. Because I know that if the people I work with can get more conscious, the healing change may occur. And regardless it will create a change in…Read More