Have you ever noticed that when you meet up with some friends, you feel lighter, happier, and you like you more? And when you hang out with other friends, your world contracts and you start doubting yourself and what you know? My question is: Are…Read More
In these times of turmoil, do you sometimes wish you had a magic toolbox that would allow you to have ease, joy, and glory with all of it? WHAT IF YOU ACTUALLY ALREADY DO? Come along to Houston, and I will let you in on…Read More
Recent publications suggest that the impact of the Coronavirus extends far beyond the physical effects of the disease and into the area of mental health. When people lose their jobs, lose their income, and are then told to stay home and self-isolate, cases of depression…Read More
Do you ever have those mornings where you don’t want to get out of bed and you know you can’t go the entire day like this? What if you could wake up with wings instead and create something entirely new on the days where you just…Read More
I recently did a Facebook Live about the world events that are happening right now…What if there are tools that you can use for major change? And what if these tools can contribute to you navigating all the craziness? What if so much more is…Read More
Have you ever felt like you’re different from your family and just don’t fit? Were you the black sheep and no matter what you did, you couldn’t get your family to see all the amazing choices they had available? What if you are just friggin’…Read More