Yes, the Earth is big. Probably way bigger than any of us can imagine… Just tap into the ever-reaching mountains touching the heavens … the blue, bottomless ocean … and the softest sand dancing with the dunes of the dessert. If there is one thing…Read More
The first time I heard the mantra of Access, I wanted to KILL! There was this small ad in the local paper that read: “All of Life Comes To Me with Ease and Joy and Glory. Call Shannon” I just wanted to tear the newspaper…Read More
You know those days when everyone and everything just ANNOYS you? Well, what if I told you that on your quest for increased awareness, you’ll have a LOT OF days like that; irky, irritated and CRANKY! (Consciousness is not for sissies!) When your awareness exceeds…Read More
Have you ever been in a forest that has over 365 different kind of trees? An evergreen forest where leaves are falling all year around? I have now. And the sense of peace was like the softest most insistent embrace, all-encompassing. I just leaned into…Read More