Live Beyond Limits
For many of us, early on in life we decided that we were too much and we did all that we could to shrink ourselves down to a size that was acceptable to the world around us. We mimicked what we saw in others. We…Read More
For many of us, early on in life we decided that we were too much and we did all that we could to shrink ourselves down to a size that was acceptable to the world around us. We mimicked what we saw in others. We…Read More
The first time I heard the mantra of Access, I wanted to KILL! There was this small ad in the local paper that read: “All of Life Comes To Me with Ease and Joy and Glory. Call Shannon” I just wanted to tear the newspaper…Read More
Do you know something else is possible? For you and the world? The Tour of Consciousness is a free on-going video-series with possibilities, inspirations and tools from all over this beautiful Earth of ours. I was given this amazing gift 16 years ago…The tools to…Read More
I was recently asked to share my biggest business regret in magazine. And my response was – Don’t be too hard on yourself! I used to wake up every day judging myself for what I didn’t do yesterday, and at a certain point I…Read More
Do you know what is stopping you from creating the life and living you truly desire? Well, let me start by saying that is not what you think it is… It is not your money situation, your frazzled looks or sad childhood. It is something…Read More
Regardless of your current financial situation, wealth and abundance are possible and YOU are the source for creating it! Often we think that if we would just receive a large inheritance or win the lotto, then our money situation would be handled and we would…Read More
Do you get stuck in negative self-talk trying to figure out where you went wrong? If you spent one whole day listening to your thoughts, you might be quite shocked at just how much self-criticism you do. A recent study shows that many women berate…Read More
Do you ever notice that when relationships start out, everything is amazing? Your partner is amazing. The time you spend together is amazing. Everything is fun, spacious, joyful, easy, and then… things start to change. That “perfect” person is no longer acting perfect. You start…Read More
What if wrong is the new right? What if your difference is the gift that will change everything? What if you actually know? Here’s an interview I did recently on Inspire Nation Show that is creating quite the buzz! Click here or below to watch…Read More
The gift of our curiosity is its power to open us up to new and greater possibility in every moment. Curiosity is essentially the state of being in constant, unhindered question, inquiry and wonder. Discussions around the psychological benefits of curiosity indicate that not only…Read More