We started the Being You Facilitator program a few years after the Being You book came out… The very first course was in Florence, Italy, in 2016. That is five years ago now. We have changed. The world has changed. The very idea, concept ……Read More
If you have the choice between knowing and thinking, which is faster? Knowing or thinking? Knowing, actually. Thinking is a linear construct of your mind. Knowing is instantaneous! The only time difficulties arise is when you go against your knowing. What if when you are…Read More
If there was something really easy you could do ten times in the morning and ten times in the evening to change your life… … this reality … and the whole darn world, WOULD YOU? If you get a yes, come along to Vienna and…Read More
Recently, I had the chance to speak with Houston Fox26 about being authentic, signs you are succeeding, and also about “The Very Greatest Adventure” book. Please join me as I discuss all this and more! And a little about this book… “The Very Greatest Adventure”…Read More