tools for possibilities Archives - Dr. Dain Heer

tools for possibilities

You Got This!

Author   Category Limitless Living

Have you ever had things that were stressful for you? Things you thought you couldn’t handle or didn’t want to do? Arghhh – ME TOO! I have been creating some bite-sized inspirations that I would like to share with you – a way to change…Read More

Consciousness Adults?

Author   Category Limitless Living

I wonder if it is time for us to become adults of consciousness? To start to notice when we judge — and choose to stop?  To begin choosing from the Kingdom of We instead of the Kingdom of Me?  To have a reality created by…Read More

Going Beyond Judgement

Author   Category Limitless Living

I had the immense pleasure of speaking with Amrit Sandhu of Inspired Evolution.  We discussed what judgement is, awareness, consciousness, lightness, many of the amazing tools of Access Consciousness, and so much more. Please join Amrit and I as we discuss an immense array of…Read More

Stop Stealing Other Realities

Author   Category Limitless Living

How much of you is … you? And how much have you bought, copied, or even plagiarized from people around you? And I don’t mean your greatness. That is always (ALWAYS) you, being you. I mean the limitations we plagiarize and make our own in…Read More

The Change You Be

Author   Category Limitless Living

You know that saying… If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. If you teach him to fish, you feed him for his lifetime. No longer is it the time where you have to take away your clients’ pain and…Read More

Expanding and Embracing

I’m so grateful for my conversation with Amrit on his Inspired Evolution Podcast, where we discussed expanding and embracing openness, creating dynamic change in life, going past judgements and so much more! We are the only ones who have the capacity to create a different…Read More



