If you’re feeling a sense of disharmony and separation in your love life, the route to fixing things might be easier and shorter than you imagined. Like so many things, it begins with a choice. You’ve chosen to be with your partner, so what if…Read More
I recently was on Breakfast Television Vancouver, and got to talk about how to bring romance back into relationships. And really, this can be applied any day! Ready to revive the spark in your relationship? Here are some tips that will help you and your partner…Read More
How do you rekindle the flame and make your relationship or marriage stronger? I was recently on KTLA TV talking about creating your relationship anew everyday and functioning from gratitude with and for your partner! Join me as I discuss some tips that we can…Read More
Do you believe that you have to have a relationship? Or that it’s better to have one than to not have one? There are so many people miserable in their relationships; but they stay in them, either because they are afraid to be alone or…Read More
What does saying, “I love you” mean for the relationship? When’s the right time to say it? When’s too soon? Ugh. There is a lot of significance around relationships and romance. And even more significance, and pressure, around the phrase, “I love you.” The expectations and…Read More
Do you believe that you have to have a relationship? Or that it’s better to have one than to not have one? There are so many people miserable in their relationships but they stay in them either because they are afraid to be alone or…Read More
Believing in that “perfect” partner… placing your happiness in someone else’s hands… and trying to force an existing relationship to match some ideal you have in your head destroys your potential for real, lasting love before you can even realize it. It’s actually incredibly destructive to…Read More
The dating thing can be so confusing sometimes… How the heck do you ask someone out?! In this video, I get to talk about a totally different perspective on dating and how to ask a woman (or man) out from the perspective of being authentic,…Read More