The Kingdom of We

New Telecall Starting SOON – WHAT IF WE MAKE 2025 TRULY MIRACULOUS? >>

Author   Category Limitless Living

The way I see it, this reality isn’t working, not for us and not for the planet. The recent shootings at the school in Newtown, USA–that I talked about in the previous blog–is just one small example of what is going on here, on our planet–on our watch! I don’t have the answers. I am not a guru and I am definitely not perfect. What I know is that I will keep asking questions. I will not stop. And I suspect, since you are still here, and still looking for more, that you are not stopping either. That is part of the amazing gift you are!

Something completely different is required. What if we–together– are what is required? Our amazing capacities, our phenomenal potency, kindness, gratitude and caring?

Here is a video for you, about that (and monkeys):



What I know is that I will keep asking questions. I will not stop. And, I suspect, since you are still here, and looking for more, that you’re not stopping either. That is part of the amazing gift you are! We have chosen to be here, now, at a time of the greatest change, to be part of creating a world of consciousness. I don’t know what that will look like. I just know…now is the time.

Here’s a question for you: What is it that you know, that you’ve been denying that you know, that if you were willing to know it, could change EVERYTHING?






