What if you could have kindness for your body and with bodies with touch?

New Telecall Starting SOON – WHAT IF WE MAKE 2025 TRULY MIRACULOUS? >>

Author   Category Body Talk

What if light touch with total presence can be so nurturing as to invite change and healing in a body, if done with kindness and caring, with total presence and no judgment? When was the last time your body was touched like that? When was the last time you allowed yourself to touch someone like that?

Imagine if you could change someone’s whole world with one hug? Or have yours changed by the soft touch of someone’s hand? What would it be like if you could BE the energy of kindness, caring, presence and no judgement with every body you come into contact with … including yours?


Body Whispering: Your Keys to Conscious Touch is a special evening class that will take place in Houston, Texas on April 6th, 2018 and worldwide online. And I would love to see you there  or online! It’s open to everyone!


P.S. You can find out more about the class and sign up here.

And to find out more about me, you can go here.



