Your Date With The Universe

New Telecall Starting SOON – WHAT IF WE MAKE 2025 TRULY MIRACULOUS? >>

Author   Category Being You

What if the universe actually has your back?

What if somewhere, within, you KNOW that?

What if the way it shows up just never ever looks like you think it will — or should?

If you were listening, what would the universe tell you?

Well, would you be willing to let go of all expectations and projections of the universe for 16 min minutes? Yes?

Then come along for a conversation about the 7 Things the Universe Would Tell You if you were just listening…

Would you like a quick re-cap?

👉 You can download a PDF of the list here – MY GIFT TO YOU!

Print it out? Put it on your fridge? Or fold it and put it into your pocket for those times when you really require a reminder of WHO YOU TRULY BE.

And if you would like to explore this even more – let me ask you: Are you ready for a date with the universe, starting on Dec 4? I am facilitating a 3-day Being You, Changing the World Class in Houston, Texas and online worldwide, starting on that very day!

I will be there. The universe will most definitely be there. There will be giants. And dreamers.

And you?


PS. The how, where, and when?

Go here to find out more about our date on Dec 4

PS.2. Why now? Well, now is the space.  Watch the video here.



